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Vol. V, Issue #1 - January 2017
** SOM Baseball & MLB World News **
      ( a new periodic column for 2017 where we share special news
linked to the SOM Baseball Game and MLB .... stay tuned!! )

Notes from the Wolfman
- Welcome to 2017, as the new year begins, there are a few traditions which happen at this time that we will be briefly reporting.  In January, Strat-o-matic makes available their special Ratings Report, which shows for the new card set coming (of course at this time, based upon the 2016 MLB season) the full card stats and ratings along with the chances (how many chances on the cards) to get hits or walks or strikeouts, etc... for the hitters and how much is given up by the pitchers. Also SOM made their announcements for when people can start placing their orders, so if you have heard these dates we have it shown below. Lastly, just before our newsletter was released, SOM released their winter newsletter with full details on all the enhancements (quite a bit including new mobile apps) and new printed and computer rosters they are releasing for 2017 (which you can begin to order on January 31st).

Next we have an overview summary, as we have done so in the past several years, of a report about what took place at the Strat Tournament Players Club championship series they call the WORLDS, thanks to Pete Nelson.  And finally, just a brief mention of the new Essential Draft Guide we released mid-January, what its all about and how it can help our members who are in Keeper Leagues waiting to do their league drafts with the 2017 card set including the new enhancements added to version 1.1.  So sit back, enjoy your favorite beverage and read on ...

FLASH: FLASH: FLASH: The Baseball Rating Guide for the 2017 Card Set is available - January 31st is when people can make their pre-orders for all the new baseball products of which there are MANY - Opening Day is Friday, February 10th at the Game Company and we will be there to record on video what happens ...

Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter - Logo for 55th Anniversary of Strat-o-matic Baseball

In January is when Strat-o-matic let's us know their time table for making available all their new baseball products from the new printed card sets (as we mentioned in December, some of the new seasons being offered with their computer rosters for the new version of the computer game) plus their newsletter to give a detailed discussion of the enhancements to the baseball computer game plus other baseball roster seasons (this year more Negro and Japanese leagues plus a year of the National Association). Additionally, they release in this month the 2016 Baseball Ratings Guide (now available as a download excel spreadsheet or printed book) plus the next version of Baseball Daily plus for the 1st time, mobile apps to help you with your game. So, if you are not on SOM's email list, or visited their website lately, here are the key things to know about that is coming up here soon and into February.

First, the 2016 Baseball Ratings Guide is available to be ordered so you will have a good idea of what the new cards (printed or computer image) will be like.  Here is the SOM webpages to order the guide:

http://www.strat-o-matic.com/products/2016-baseball-ratings-download  (downloadable version)

http://www.strat-o-matic.com/products/2016-baseball-ratings-book (printed book)

The other important dates to be aware of --

Tuesday, January 31st, is the first date you can pre-order the new baseball products (printed cards, computer seasons and the 2017 card set with the new version of the computer game.)  We mentioned in our December 2016 issue about a new season and special card set being offered this year (for details click here).  We have not heard about Baseball Daily, it may take SOM more time to have it ready but its possible you could order it.  For those who don't remember what Baseball Daily is, it is an extension to the computer game which lets you play the 2017 MLB season with a version of the strat computer image cards representing the player's performance in the current season - you can play with your favorite team or teams.

Then, on Friday, February 10th, Strat-o-matic opens its door to anyone who wishes to visit, to meet the members of the game company and Mr. Richman, the creator.  Plus, the first orders of any new products is delivered to those who come on this day. But you have to contact the game company (see their website at: http://www.strat-o-matic.com to let them know you plan to be there and will pick up your order.  We will have our "Johnny on the Spot" as has become our tradition to record live video with some interviews from this day which will be shown on our Ultimate Strat Baseball Youtube Video Channel, stay tuned for some bulletins next month when that video is up.

Finally, on Monday, February 13th, any new products you ordered that have a downloadable version such as the new computer game or the new seasons (rosters) of cards available, you will receive a notice in your on-line account, they are available to be copied to your computer.  Also on this date is when the physical shipping of any new baseball products (liked the printed cards or game parts) will be sent out.

SOM's Winter Newsletter came out Friday, January 27th and we learned about all their plans for this year - we will suggest to our readers you check your email for a link to their newsletter or on our resource page this month, under Strat-o-matic we show the a direct link to the newsletter so you can read it through your web browser or download this PDF file.

Here is a quick summary of SOM latest news:  In addition to the new two seasons coming out with both printed cards and computer images (MLB 2016 and 1949 plus the new Heroes II set), there will be various other new computer rosters added, all of the new years will require the 2017 Computer Game version. What new computer rosters that will be available include (besides the 3 sets mentioned above): Hall of Fame 2017; 2016 Career Historical; 1872 National Association; 1914 Negro League; 1924 Negro League; 1944 Negro League; 1961 Japanese League; 2016 Japanese League and of course 2017 Baseball Daily (meaning you will be able to play day-by-day with your favorite team during the 2017 MLB season, this comes as an extention to the game and an added compute roster). Quite a big list of new teams and seasons available in 2017 and that is not all...

SOM is also releasing Mobile Apps to enhance you game play as well.  The App to manage and run your Baseball 365 teams is already operational and can be downloaded for free.  There is another App coming out called The Card Viewer which people will be able to test and try at Opening Day next month that there will be a monthly fee - this app is basically available to let you view any SOM card that has ever been issued. The last app is for the Basic Baseball Game, which is free, and lets you play this game on the go. Again the winter SOM newsletter has more details on the new apps.

Another announcement is about the new Strat-o-matic Studio where new videos will be made to be broadcast on the SOM Youtube channel. There is a short 25 second video with a person named Dan, an employee letting us now about special interviews and features coming.  Also some people have had problems with Netplay (the feature to allow the computer game to be played on-line) with Windows 10.  SOM claims they are working very hard to correct this problem soon and although the new computer baseball game won't have a new version of Netplay initial you can count on it being added this year in an update.

Finally there is a quick list of the updates to the new 2017 edition of the SOM Computer Baseball Game, in edition to the new Infield Shift rule (which the computer game will have a setting for to allow it in the 2017 computer game, recommended to be used with seasons after 2010), briefly this includes: some new options for Daily Draft Leagues ... New Computer Manager Settings ... Pitch Cut Limit and Clutch Pinch Hitting advancements ... Catcher plate blocking is now optional ... Pitcher Game Scores (a value given to a pitcher how well he pitches) ... Manual entry advancement and Fielding Stats and more ...

So there you have all the latest announcements from Strat-o-matic made in January to keep us quite happy for our version of play in 2017. We have all been through this before so you know what to do.  Enjoy and to another great year of game playing with SOM!!


FLASH: FLASH: FLASH: A quick report on the Championship Tournament held by the Strat Tournament Players Club (STPC) as they crown their "WORLDS Champion" for the 2016 playing season, Congratulations to Mark Giddings!!

I believe, the longest on-going series of baseball tournaments known in the history of Strat-o-matic Baseball (which we have covered before at times and have a very good relationship with their council), is known as the Strat Tournament Players Club. Throughout the year, they hold face-to-face tournaments all over the U.S., and finalize their season with a champion tournament they call the "WORLDS" in January of the following year. 

Briefly, each tournament they hold uses the most recent card set issued by SOM and they draft a 25 man team with a stadium.  Then, depending upon how many players there are for each of their tournaments, they play perhaps 20-40 games or so  (usually in 4 games series), and the participants with the best records qualify for the playoffs with the right to compete for the tournament championship. There is a fee to play (in most tournaments you can either pay the standard entry fee which if you win can turn into a nice sum and help pay your expenses to go, or a smaller fee just to play for fun) and of course the champion receives a healthy winning.  These tournaments used to be known as the Star Tournaments before the name was changed relatively recently but the tournaments have gone on for many years now and we could say, some of the best strat baseball players in the world have been a part of them. I recently met Pete Nelson, a key representative of STPC in person and he told me they have about 145 active players.

As our readers know, I am partial to tournaments, having been involved with a group of friends to hold seven national conventions, and have participated over the years in a few of their tournaments with my best showing in one of their Skype tournaments. It has been a tradition for me to report what happens at their Championship Tournament at the beginning of the new year. Basically, there are three types of tournaments they do offer: Face-to-Face; or on-line using the SOM's Computer Game (the Netplay Option) or a version of Face-to-Face using Skype and a special website that has an automated dice roller and twenty sided dice roller.

Related to a quick summary of the rules they follow for their tournaments. First, there is a minimum amount of plate appearances or innings pitched needed in real life for a MLB player to be eligible to be drafted and if enough people participate in any single tournament there can be multiple divisions (there were 5 divisions at the WORLDS) for which the strat gamers with the best winning percentage by games played then proceed into the playoffs.  A four man rotation is required and players can be injured so you must have at least two eligible players at each position which is listed on their cards.  Most of the super advanced rules of the game are used and also the games are played with cards and dice (including a 20-sided dice and a dice tower).

The STPC National Championship (a.k.a. WORLDS) was held in downtown Las Vegas at the D Las Vegas Casino Hotel (a 34 story building) from January 12th through January 15th. There were 51 total participants but 48 teams who competed (3 teams were run by two managers) and played in this national tournament to become the 2017 WORLDS champion. Included were some of the most well known members of the club, who have won either individual tournaments conducted over the years and a few who have won the WORLDS before.  The event began on Thursday night, January 12th, with the STPC Annual Meeting where the participants selected which Division they would play in. Then the drafting of their tournament team occurred Friday morning (January 13th) with tournament games then played the rest of Friday, all day Saturday and then on that Sunday with the playoffs going on until champion Mark Giddings was crowned at 11:59 PM.

Pete Nelson, as I mentioned before, was one of the two tournament directors and is the individual I spoke to, who provided for us a summary of what took place at the 2017 WORLDS. Pete has won a few WORLDS tournaments and was their champion last year but this year he did not make the final playoffs although he did win what they call the "Consolation Tournament", which is where all those who did not qualify for the playoffs could participant and continue to enjoy playing if they wished.

I asked Pete some questions, to better understand how the WORLDS Tournament was played this year to share with our readers:

Wolfman: Pete, how did you decide who made the playoffs, you had 15 people contending in the 1st round I saw on the STPC website, can you explain how this was decided?

There were 5 divisions of 10 teams each (two of the divisions had a dummy team to even everything out).  The dummy teams are drafted by the computer using the DSIM program (this is a program that Stan Suderman has developed that allows you to record all the draft picks and then suggest the best player to take next from who is available).  The top three teams in each division made the play-offs (a total of 15 teams).  The team with the best overall record got a first-round-play-off bye. 

Wolfman: Have you introduced any new rule changes for this year? How many pitchers are needed in the rotation for the tournament and how did this rotation continue from playoff round to playoff round? Did the team with the better total tournament record (since your series were best of 5 or 7) get the extra home game in each series?  (Note - this is important because each participant drafted their own team to perform better in their own home park...)

There were no substantial rule changes this year.  We've always had 4-man rotations.  To start the play-offs, your rotation can be set any way you want but, you have to stay in rotation through-out the play-offs.  The pen also is reset before starting the play-offs but does not reset before each series.  However, if you win your series in less than the max number of games, your pitchers get a rest day or days.  For example, if you won a 5-game series in three games, your pitching would get two days’ rest.  The higher seeded teams always received the extra home game in each series.

Wolfman:  In your opinion why did Mark win this tournament? Has Mark won other Worlds Championships?  Can you say anything about his background - is he a good player and has he won any of your tournaments that you hold in various locations throughout the year?  Were people surprised he was the champion this year?

Mark won the same way anyone wins:  He drafted well, managed his team well and got a little more than his fair share of good fortune.  He is an excellent player who has 12 lifetime tournament wins (including three National titles).  It was not a surprise.

(Note from the Wolfman - STPC has a point system they use to determine who are their best and most successful players during the year.  For each tournament you play, depending on your record and such (it is too sophisticated to explain here, but you can visit this webpage / click here / if you are curious) you receive points from each tournament you play.  For the 2016 season of tournaments, Willy Dominguez led with 180.9 points (he is a WORLDS Champion we interviewed before) but it is obvious too he played in many tournaments. Mark Giddings only had 27 points, and when we look under the page with the won-lost percentage of all games played, Mark was not listed so he wasn't very active in 2016 whereas Willy's record was 263-194.  Mark's opponent in the finals, Ben Swoboda, also didn't play in many tournaments but he had a 31-13 record for his tournaments in 2016 and had 63.4 points.)

Below is a summary of the results of the WORLD's playoff rounds. As stated, 15 people qualified with Jeff Watson, who had the best overall record, getting the bye in the first round. It appears each participant played 36 games during the regular play.

1st Round of Play-offs (best of five)

Jeff Watson Bye (best overall record)

Jim Gary over Mick VanValkenburg 3-1

Mark Giddings over Vic Horvath 3-1

Steve Davidson over Alan Small 3-2

Team of Eric Wayne/Will Roberts over Peter Waterstreet 3-0

Stan Suderman over Bryan Albin 3-1

Ben Swoboda over Randy Davidson 3-1

Rolando Cruz over Mike Breithaupt 3-1

Quarter Finals (best of five)

Jim Gary over Jeff Watson 3-2

Mark Giddings over Steve Davidson 3-0

Team of Eric Wayne/Will Roberts over Stan Suderman 3-0

Ben Swoboda over Rolando Cruz 3-2

Semi Finals (best of seven)

Mark Giddings over Jim Gary 4-2

Ben Swoboda over Team of Eric Wayne/Will Roberts 4-3

Finals (best of seven)

Mark Giddings over Ben Swoboda 4-1

If you are curious what team Mark drafted, here is the list of his players and in the round he drafted them along with the stadium he picked:

1) Bruce Harper (RF,CF); 2) Joe Panik (2B); 3) Alex Gordon (LF); 4) Jamie Garcia (SP);
5) Francisco Rodriguez (Closer, RP); 6) Mark Melancon (Closer, RP); 7) Chris Sale (SP); 
8) Adam Warren (SP); 9) Anthony Rizzo; 10) Andrew Chafin (RP); 11) Sean Gilmartin (RP);
12) Nick Hundley (C); 13) Luke Gregerson (RP); 14) Mark Lowe (RP); 15) Kyle Seager (3B);
16) Curtis Granderson (RF,CF); 17) Alcides Escobar (SS); 18) Yasmani Grandal (C, 1B);
19) Andrelton Simmons (SS); 20) Kyle Gibson (SP); 21) Todd Frazier (3B);
22) Yaisel Puig (RF); 23) Howie Kendrick (2B); 24) Melky Cabrera (LF); 25) Billy Hamilton (CF);
Ball Park (last pick): Baltimore [ Single: 1-8 (L&R); HR: 1-18 (L); 1-11 (R) ]

Analysis of Mark's team --

Within the system of drafting used by the Strat Tournament Players Club, each available player is ranked by the average pick they have been taken in all the drafts of all tournaments.  Mark had the #1 draft pick (out of 10 teams in his division) and the best player evaluated to be taken in the draft was considered to be Bruce Harper, who he took as obviously Harper was the best all around hitter in the 2015 set plus has great power that could be utilized in his park that he picked in the last round of the draft being Baltimore, with a 1-18 ball park HR for left-handed batters. 

His next two picks are two more left-handed hitters, perhaps at two of the weaker positions in the set at 2B and LF, both good on-based players and defensively ranked "1". The next 5 picks were his key pitchers for his staff - taking two of the best left-hand starters with a low hr on the card again looking towards the park he would eventually take ... then , two great right-handed relievers (both closers) and finally selecting his 3rd starter in Warren (RHP) for balance who even though he has low innings (130) this is enough to qualify in their system as a key starter, as he has a very balanced card.

Next up he takes his second left-handed slugger in Rizzo at 1B (surprisingly still around in the 9th round and a defensive "1") followed by two solid lefty relievers.  Catcher is usually a weak position with only one or two really good catchers so he nabs Hundley in the 12th round who hit .300 in 2015.  Finally his 13th and 14th pick are two more solid relievers to give his bullpen a staff of 6 and then he begins to fill in his positional players with two more lefty hitters (Seager at 3B and Granderson in the OF), Escobar as a switch hitter and SS-1 - then Grandal as his second catcher who has a decent card vs. RHP and is a catcher-2 plus his backup at 1B for Rizzo.  He grabs Simmons as his second SS, another 1-defensively; goes with K. Gibson for his second RH starting pitcher and 4th starter. A platoon at 3B with T. Frazier who has a great card vs. lefties with power.  Yaisel Puig in RF to face LHP, Kendrick to platoon with Panik at 2B, another RH OF in LF with M. Cabrera and finally he finds his CF-1 with Billy Hamilton.

So it's clear his strategy with the Baltimore Park, is to have a team very strong with LH hitters with good on-base, and to have a strong bullpen with 5 "1"-s in the field and 3 "2"-s to hold a lead at the end of the game assuming his hitters can score enough runs to have this lead.  To support his ballpark he picked two solid Lefty Starters and the best two right handed starters he could get.  Although Mark did not have the best record for the normal rounds of play he did have a balanced enough team to win it and he beat all his opponents in the playoffs quite handedly.

One of the things we can learn from the STPC tournaments, as we study the rosters of the winning teams is the different strategies one can follow to create a team who can be successful in such a tournament or even in leagues. Usually the teams who win are not the best hitting team or pitching team but a team with the best balance. 


The Strat Tournament Player's Club has a whole new exciting year of tournaments coming up for 2017.  I have played in two face-to-face tournaments myself, not with much success I might add but I did hold my own at times against a few of their most well-known and talented players. These tournaments really give you a chance to learn the game quite well from some of the best strat baseball players on the planet.  To find out more and how you might participate in one of the three types of tournaments they hold, head over to their website at:


I want to thank Pete Nelson once again for helping me to put this report together.  And also hopefully in the February issue, since Pete and I live in the Seattle area, I have challenged Pete to a best of 7 game series following the rules of their tournament.  We will use dice and cards and Pete is going to use the team he drafted in the WORLD's tournament in Las Vegas. He sent me the roster of the other teams in his division and I have found one team which mirrors the type of teams I like to play with in my leagues and the few tournaments I have played in recently (in 2015 I played in a STPC skype tournament and last year in a league on Baseball 365 - came in 2nd in my division in the skype contest and won the league respectively).  See you next month with a report on our series:

Wolfman Shapiro


FLASH: FLASH: FLASH: Have you checked out the "2017 USBN Essential Draft Guide" yet? Our First Powerful Strat Baseball Tool to help our members in their Keeper
League(s) with their upcoming draft of the 2017 card set.  300+ players are ranked and evaluated who are receiving their first strat card (printed or computer image) - read more here ...

1st Ever Edition - January 2017
(enhanced version 1.1, with an extra 58 players,
over 300+ players now ranked)

We invite you to take a peek at this easy to use draft guide ranking all the new players who will be available for the 1st time in your upcoming Keeper League's draft with the 2017 card set.  The guide is created in MS Excel and uses many built in functions to make it easy to use and find those players you need on your team with special sorts.  All players are ranked in five categories with the evaluator also sharing notes on their capabilities and then sorted by highest ranked player to lowest as well as extra spreadsheets which view the players by positions. 

In preparation for our newsletter and based on some good feedback we received from our members who obtained their own copies, the USBN Essential Draft Guide is being expanded to edition 1.1. This new edition continues to rate all "First Year" carded players, along with all players who made their MLB debut in 2016.  The list of players also included those who have received a computer card image before and in the new set have a printed card, or those young players who were brought up at the end of the 2016 season and have a computer image.  Additionally, the new edition has 58 additional players who have been added to the guide's first distributed version that came out earlier in January with the three type of players being included in the guide coded for your sorted views.

To read more about this amazing drafting tool, the enhanced edition 1.1, (which we believe when used in combination with the SOM Baseball Rating Guide, should give you all you need to find those gems in your draft ), then head over to:


Also, if you want to hear more about why I personally recommend this guide and believe it will be a great tool to help any Keeper League manager, may I invite you to listen to my short video on our Youtube channel.  I definitely plan to work with this guide to help our team, the Skokie Wolfman, in our Keeper League, the CBA, which is featured and discussed in my article this month.  To hear a bit more about the guide, here's how to view this video:


On the main page above which fully describes the draft guide we have included comments from of the people who are now using the guide, you may wish to read which are their exact words they sent to us.  Here are a few more we received just as we were about to put out this month's newsletter:

This guide has been a
HUGE aide to me. My free time for scouting is very limited; so being able to get a concise report on these prospects at a reasonable cost is exactly what I needed. Thanks for all you and the guys have done.  --  Howie B

The 2017 USBN Draft guide has everything you need to win your draft!  -- Derek T.

Hope you enjoyed this edition of the SOM Baseball and MLB news, till the next time ...



Note: -- if you have a new story you think our readers might enjoy linked to Strat-o-matic please feel free to email us your story by contacting Wolfman at: wolfman@ultimatestatbaseball.com



Support the Cause

If you are enjoying the content and information our newsletter shares with you, why not support us with your helpful donation for our minor expenses and time?

Contained inside this exciting issue of Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter:
(to view the various interviews, articles, columns and special sections click on the links {underlined} and this will take you to the appropriate webpage)


  ARTICLE with MATT EDDY, Writer Baseball America, Matt who is a manager of his own team in a Strat-o-matic League, besides being a key writer at Baseball America who has his pulse on all the good young prospects and players in the minors, shares with us his top recommendation of Key Prospects to give attention to who receive a computer image card in the 2017 SOM Card Set as well as describes their skills and give them a ranking.  Matt is a periodic contributing writer for our newsletter.

  ARTICLE with WOLFMAN SHAPIRO - How to Setup Your Draft League Team, the Second Part of this article, Wolfman, continues his article from our last issue to share with us the meat and potatoes of his strategies how to build his 2017 Skokie Wolfmen in the CBA, a computer league as he prepared for this Keeper League's draft.  By using his team as an example, you may receive from this article so suggestions and strategies to use for your own team.

  INTERVIEW with J.G. Preston, Baseball Writers Extraordinaire, J.G. was one of our first guest to interview in the life of our newsletter in January 2013.  He used to work at the game company when he was younger and for the Wolfman, he is the person who gave him this name back in the 1970's.  J.G. has become a prolific baseball writer for SABR as well as on his own blog site sharing histories of players and insights about MLB. We ask J.G. what he is up to these days as we believe our members might wish to read his writings.  But at heart, he is still a SOM Baseball gamer ...

  SOM BASEBALL LEAGUE REPORT with WOLFMAN SHAPIRO -- the editor of "The Ultimate Strat Newsletter" and 2012 CBA Champion, turns his attention to talk to members of various face-to-face Strat-o-matic Baseball Leagues that he has discovered through the league registry service offered on the Strat-o-matric website. Each commission speaks about the history of their league and their experiences. To read these interviews, click on the links below:

INTERVIEW with KEVIN THOMAS, Commissioner of CAABL (Face-to-Face)
INTERVIEW with RYAN MORRIS, Commissioner of Dave Cash League (Face-to-Face)

  ARTICLE with CHUCK TINKLER, Chuck is one of our most popular contributors and is back with a new article for his column, "The Chuck Stop", as he continues his article he calls "Old Guys Rule" with Part II. This article deals with the value of a 1st round draft and more - Chuck always entertains our readers with his insightful and colorful stories and experiences - check his new article out now!

  INTERVIEW with EARL REED, Earl is the head of his own Youtube Strat Baseball Channel called Tenacious Strat, of which a few of his videos have appeared on the USBN Youtube channel. We interview Earl to find out more about his video channel and how he became interested in Strat Baseball.

  RECOMMEND ON-LINE SOM RESOURCES -- On-line Strat-o-matic and Baseball related websites that offer amazing information, special tools and products to improve your game play that we strongly recommend. In most cases, we have had personal contact with these sources who agree with the principle to work together and help promote each other.

  BOOKS TO DIE FOR and Become a BASEBALL GURU -- This page is specifically about special books we are finding that either will expand your insights about the game of Baseball, help you in the creation of your current league teams or with your replays and learn more about the Strat-o-matic Baseball Game and Game Company's history.  We have a special arrangement with Acta Sports, who is a publisher of a number of great baseball books (including Bill James Handbooks) to offer for our members a 10% discount. We will continue to add more books to this page in the future as we uncover other gems our members should know about.


Contact Us for Questions or Submissions

Wolfman Shapiro
co-Founder/Editor, the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter

email: wolfman@ultimatestratbaseball.com
: www.facebook.com/wolfman.shapiro
twitter: @StratBaseball4U

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