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Vol. III, Issue #2 - July 2015

** Strat Thoughts with Bruce Bundy **

(Wolfman and Marc Wasserman): It is with great pleasure that we are able to bring this special column back again featuring our good friend Bruce Brundy who is a key advisor for this newsletter.  Here once again, find the special insights and information about Strat-o-matic Baseball which comes from the mind of the legendary Bruce Bundy.  Bruce is known for the formulas he has shared with others which enable one to create a SOM Baseball card and that has been offered to our members over the last two years. 

Additionally, Bruce has a special relationship with the people who work at the game company where he has been a beta tester and is very well respected for his amazing insights and knowledge of the game. Bruce has contacts with many of the well-known gamers and developers of Strat-o-matic Baseball throughout our community. 
This is the sixth edition of his column where Bruce presents some new special ideas for your game play with Strat Baseball. Thank you again Bruce for sharing this next column with our readers as well as being key advisor for our newsletter -- it is always greatly appreciated!!

Wolfman Shapiro & Marc Wasserman, co-founders USBN



Ultimate Strat Baseball- Our advisor the legendary Bruce Bundy
Bruce is a professional musician as well.

A Brief Bio on Bruce Bundy

Bruce has been playing Strat-o-matic since 1969 and he is definitely one of us, an SOM Fanatic. Bruce is an excellent SOM Baseball Manager which we have observed with his presence in the CBA (our computer league which Marc is commissioner).

--> Bruce has published over 30 (up to about 60 now) formulas on how to create Strat-O-Matic Baseball cards from scratch along with other articles and antics with his friend Glenn Guzzo (shared when the Strat-Fan SOM Magazine existed).

--> He ran the official "Strat-O-Matic BBS" Bulletin Board from 1987 to 1992. At Bob Winberry's request, Bruce recruited Will Kolodzie's SOMWorld as our official SOM Online Magazine (now supplemented with this newsletter) - and, he also recruited Dan Patterson for our Official Strat-O-Matic Web Forum.

-->  Bruce has been a Strat-O-Matic Beta Tester for many years which has resulted in various improvements within the SOM Baseball game.

Now for the STRAT THOUGHTS column July, 2015,

Bruce Bundy

Ideas for Your Play with Strat Baseball

If they roll your way, YOU WIN
-- If they do not YOU LOSE!

Bruce Bundy:  

Hi All!  Heys!

Here's some effective ideas to utilize when you are in SOM League Play that includes either a 20 team Netplay league or a 12 team Face-to-Face league scenarios:

**  Keep using "off the cards" tactics --- by doing so, especially against the top 20 starters in your league, you can defeat the pitcher's low card total advantage by eliminating that good pitcher's card for every roll an "off the cards" tactic will be attempted. 

By properly using such "off the cards" events like sacrifice, squeeze play, and hit and run - 3 times in a game (let's say for each 36 ABs) against a top pitcher like the "2014" Adam Wainright, you have lessened these type of better (ace) pitchers' advantage by almost 10%. Furthermore, the more times you can effectively use your "A" and "B"
(hit and run rated) players in any game gives you more chances for a positive HIT result.  Pitching will obviously be around 33% more effective in a 20 team league, and this calls for even more use of these "off the cards" tactics.

**  Use the TOP10/TOP20 player concept to build your 25 players --- Use any ratings system you like, be it mine (Bruce's), SOMWorld's, Yahoo, or even MLB.com - but make sure your everyday starting lineup is all in the TOP 20 players at each hitting position in your lineup.

In building a team, a basic goal should be to aim to have the most TOP10 players at each position as well.

**  Read Your Schedule of Your League Play Games --- make sure the schedule is correct and you know what's coming up for your team. Forewarned is forearmed!!

**  Using Your Starters --- keeping your starting pitching in the game longer will deplete an already weakened bench of your opponent quickly because the lineup is already loaded  with the best players against the pitcher in the game.  Know how to figure the  "Point of Weakness", and keep that pitcher in as long as you can - DO NOT PITCH WEAK (unless the pitcher has under a 10 onbase total).  Visit the mound if you have any doubt about the pitchers' status.

**  Stay in control of your Player's Usage -- - there are too many times when one's lack of discipline in this area will result in a team's player usage winding up failing their manager.  If you are going to overuse, do not come unprepared.  Having a replacement player standing by is highly recommended, or have your new trade ideas already implemented before the overuse takes place -- especially in those leagues where "its TOUGH to get anyone to make a trade!"  If you are wise, you can turn this situation to your advantage. This is a risky approach, however!  Do not use this tactic if you have already qualified for your league's playoffs.

**  Utilize a 6th Starter  --- With a good study of your opposition's OPS vs. lefties and righties, you can successfully interweave a 6th pitcher into your rotation.  Few Netplay or 12 team Face-to-Face leagues usually require you to announce your weekly rotation thus -- everyone just uses the "Generated" Pitcher Scheduled rotation in their CM (Computer Manager).  With the proper homework, you can get that R2R starter to face the strong Right-handed Batting teams in your league. 

I know, it is tough giving up a roster space, but, it will be well worth your while to do so by reducing your relief corp by a member.  To maximize your best pitching in the most situations will help your team embrace more Starter matchups to your advantage - which helps to get you into more winning situations indeed.

**  Play Your Games First  --- By doing so, you can effectively cause changes in your opponent's game approach (usages and in-game strategies).  Knowing your opponents have fallen further behind will seldom increase their team's chances for making the playoffs.  Make the other guys sweat!  It will also seriously effect the success of other teams in Netplay leagues by causing everyone to play large amounts of games in their last block (or week) of games.  Just a little assistance in this department goes a long way for the stability and longevity of your team within your league!

**  Please consider Your League's Connections --- Strat-O-Matic's Netplay makes it possible to not only play Strat Baseball on the Internet, but play it at blazing speeds. Even using all the games bells and whistles, games can easily be completed in under 10 minutes. Even with this amazing part of the game, the main issue that still is of concern is a health of a gamer's connection to the Internet.

Many people do not know what is their Internet connectivity, yet, it is a vital link to enjoying online gaming, such as Strat-O-Matic's Netplay. The various and numerous rainbow types of Internet connections makes it so NOT ALL INTERNET CONNECTIONS ARE MADE THE SAME. With enough bad
connections, people will abandon their league.

Being up front about your connection speed helps greatly, and paying for an adequate speed to
accommodate the league is the courteous thing to do. There are Hamarachi leagues available for those who do not have an adequate Internet connection bandwidth. If your league has this problem, seriously consider checking your league managers' speeds and connectivity before notifying Strat-O-Matic Support by emailing at:



**  If they roll your way, YOU WIN!  If they do not, YOU LOSE!  --- Keep good sportsmanship in mind at ALL THE TIME!  Show COMMON COURTESY when you are playing!  It takes EVERYONE's time and effort to make a Strat League a FUN league!  No argument is worth spending a lot of time arguing over to make a decision, then just move on!  If you find the decision unacceptable, then find another league!  There are many, many, many Netplay leagues out there which you can find listings for at on the Game Company website at:


Other league registries are also available, such as using the Official SOM Forum:  http://www.stratfanforum.com/forums/forum.php

Step into a new league if you are not happy with the current league's rules, or the way they are being maintained.  Save everyone the additional pain of confrontation.  You will be happier, and so will the rest of the good-natured managers in this league.

If you see how many league opportunities are actually available, you should realize that there are few reasons to cheat to win or be non-conforming.  If you read the league Constitution and rules, and keep your personal strategem inside the box, you should be having a good time out there - WIN or (gasp) LOSE!  So......

Have a good time out there!  Go Strat!!!!

Bruce Bundy

(Wolfman: If you have a question for Bruce Bundy, he is open to consider to answer it in a future edition of this column. Please feel free to send it to me at: wolfman@ultimatestratbaseball.com -- and I will make sure Bruce gets your question to be considered for a future issue in his column. So do any of our readers have a great question to ask Bruce?

Bruce Bundy Website: http://www.cba-bb.net/Bundy.htm

Link to his Small Ball Video - take a look: http://users.wowway.com/~faust05/bb1.flv



Support the Cause

If you are enjoying the content and information our newsletter shares with you, why not support us with your helpful donation for our minor expenses and time?

Contained inside this exciting issue of Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter:
(to view the various interviews, articles, columns and special sections click on the links {underlined} and this will take you to the appropriate webpage)


  INTERVIEW with DICK BREMER, Play by Play announcer for the Minnesota Twins for over 30 years tells us about his interest and playing days with SOM Baseball.

  VIDEO INTERVIEW with HAL RICHMAN, The creator of Strat-o-matic Baseball, speaks to our "Johnny on the Spot" earlier this year during "Opening Day" as we finally we are granted permission to share this unique and special interview with our members.  This is one of several interesting videos that we have on our Youtube Channel, click on the Bright Blue Link above or the Youtube Link below to view this interview (18+ minutes):


  REPORT with TOM NAHIGIAN (1961 cards), Personal friend of the Wolfman, known in Guzzo's book as "The Collector", returns and we take a peak at some of the early strat cards printed.

  REPORT: FUNNY & AMAZING STRAT/MLB STORIES (various - new column), Various friends linked with SOM Baseball sharing some of their most funny and amazing stories linked to the game or Major League Baseball, start of a new column.

  REPORT: GREATEST GAMES EVER PLAYED (various - new column, replays), Two members of the Strat-o-matic.net forum, share with us the greatest baseball games they have ever played during a replay season start of a new column.

  REPORT: The BRUCE FOSTER CHALLENGE with WOLFMAN SHAPIRO (online SOM Baseball, 4 part report), editor of "The Ultimate Strat Newsletter" challenges Bruce Foster, one of the most successful managers playing the Internet SOM Baseball version using the All Time Greats set, to follow his unique strategy, joins a league and reports how his team does.

  COLUMN: "COMMISSIONER's CORNER" with MARC WASSERMAN -- The return of the "Commish" with another insightful article for his column as he focuses upon how to build a team that will compete for your league's championship.

  RECOMMEND ON-LINE SOM & MLB RESOURCES -- On-line Strat-o-matic and Baseball related websites that offer amazing information, special tools and products to improve your game play that we strongly recommend. In most cases, we have had personal contact with these sources who agree with the principle to work together and help promote each other.

  BOOKS TO DIE FOR and Become a BASEBALL GURU -- This page is specifically about special books we are finding that either will expand your insights about the game of Baseball, help you in the creation of your current league teams or with your replays and learn more about the Strat-o-matic Baseball Game and Game Company's history.  We have a special arrangement with Acta Sports, who is a publisher of a number of great baseball books (including Bill James Handbooks) to offer for our members a 10% discount. We will continue to add more books to this page in the future as we uncover other gems our members should know about.


Contact Us for Questions or Submissions:

Wolfman Shapiro
Founder/Editor, the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter

twitter: @StratBaseball4U

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